Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are you a game changer?

That's a pretty big question isn't it. Are you a game changer in your job? In your personal life?

I'm reading or actually listening to a book (on a CD) on Babe Ruth called "The Big Bam" by Leigh Montville a writer from Sports Illustrated. It's not a new book but it is a very in depth look at the life of Babe Ruth. The writing reminds me of David Halberstam and how deeply he took you into the subject he was writing about.

Babe Ruth was the most significant game changer for our national past time. He completely changed the way baseball was played back in the 1920's. His efforts made the game more interesting and still serve as the platform for how teams play today over 90 years later. Power baseball with home runs being more important than the "singles" game that preceded this era.

So being a game changer in your industry would put you in very select company- Henry Ford in the automobile business, Johnny Unitas in football and maybe Bill Bernbach for advertising. These three people were pioneers in their fields and their legacies continue today.

Not everyone can have this much impact in their business. But you can certainly have impact in the areas that you are involved with. Can you get a brand to do something that they haven't done before? Can you champion a new product or service for a company? Can you write a book on something that you are passionate about?

The question really becomes are you willing to fly? Are you willing to take a chance and take that big risk? Are you willing to really try something different?

Game changers answer yes to all of these questions. How about you do you want to change the game with your current company? Your current team? Go ahead and try because that is what makes our country so great. Let's all be game changers in our own individual ways. We can't all be Babe Ruth be we can certainly have an impact on our own environments.

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