Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Social Media the 4 E's

I truly enjoy social media and believe that as a marketer it is critical to understand how it works.

Recently, Jeffrey Hayzlett the CMO for Kodak talked about how this organization is using social media and what they want to achieve - they call it "Kodak's 4 E's".

1) Engage
2) Educate
3) Excite
4) Evangelize

I believe that these are four very smart tenets for any organization as they wade into the social media waters.

You need to engage the entire organization to get involved and participate in social media.

Provide education to the team to make sure that they know about the best practices and how to get involved.

You need to excite the organization about this marketing tool that is for today and what the future will be all about.

You need to evangelize the team behind the brand. If your own team is not telling the good stories about your brand who will?

Social media makes it possible to reach all your customers at the same time, which is how mass media has traditionally worked. But social media has the potential to reach your customers in a more personalized way and to make that connection with your brand stronger.

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