Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What happens when you wear a red shirt to Target?

It's a normal Monday evening and I need to make a stop at Target to pick up a few things before heading home for dinner. I stop at the Target on East Lake Street where we normally shop.

I'm going through the front door of the store and in the first five seconds a man approaches me and asks if I can help him find something. I said I'd be happy to do but I don't work here at Target. I pointed him in the right direction.

As I wonder my way back into the store a boy about 9 comes up to me and again asks me can you help me find the toy section. I said sure I can point you in the right direction but I don't really work here. He says but how come you have a red shirt on then?

OK there is the key. I'm wearing a classic "red" polo shirt that is the official uniform of the Target team. Although at least I'm wearing jeans and not "khaki's" or I would have truly been wearing the Target uniform. Not there is anything wrong with that.

It just goes to demonstrate the power of a color and style for store personnel. both a 9 year old boy and a 30 something man saw my red shirt and quickly assumed that I was dressed in the Target uniform. Credit to Target for creating this easy to find employee uniform for consumers as they are hunting throughout the store.

And think about the blue polo shirts of the Best Buy team. And even at Target Field all the food and beverage vendors that wear neon green so that you can see them a mile away.

As a marketer I think the power of owning a color in the store and making it easy for your guests to find someone to help them is a smart thing. So hats off to Target, Best Buy and the Twins.

Now if I can only remember to not wear a "red" polo shirt when I can to Target again.

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