Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Monday, May 3, 2010

How many screens are there in your house?

Last week there was an article in Advertising Age by Jim Louderback raising the question of how many screens he had in his house. It was prompted by a report from Nielsen claiming that the average American home as 2.93 TV sets a jump from 2.86 in 2009.

I totally agree with Jim that Nielsen needs to rephrase the question and ask how many screens do you have in your house. Isn't that the better question? Let me take you around my house.

We have five television screens in our house that are working and one old analog set that have not bought the digital converter for. We have one high definition TV and four analog sets around the house. So yes we have 2+ more sets than the average American home.

Then you have to count our desktop computer in the den and the laptop computer that floats around the house as screens also - that we watch movies, TV shows and of course surf the Internet.

We have a portable DVD player that is used primarily for road trips but we also use it occasionally in the house to watch a movie.

I also have an iPhone that is truly a screen for watching YouTube or news/sports highlights whenever I want. And I have an iPod that I can watch a movie on if I really want to although the screen is quite tiny.

So we are now up to ten screens. But do you count the three Nintendo GameBoy and DS screens that are used by the kids for video games? Do you count the Flip Video screen that we use to watch our own videos of the kids activities? If you count these four screens that is up to 14 in the Jenson household.

In summary we have five TV sets in our house but then we have another five to nine screens that we use to watch things on.

Truly the way that we watch video whether it is TV programming or movies or games the options that we have range much broader than just TV screens. I think it is time for Nielsen to think about doing a recount on the number of screens in American households.

Think about it - how many screens do you have in your house?

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