Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Friday, October 22, 2010

Asking a good question

Last night I had the opportunity to speak at Metropolitan State University in Minneapolis to Professor Johnson's Integrated Marketing Class. My topic was Digital Marketing - where it is today and where it is going.

I truly enjoy the opportunity to go out and talk to prospective students about our business. To review some of the cool things that are happening in the digital space and to think ahead about what is next.

It was a great class last night and one thing that really stood out was how engaged the students were and the questions that they asked. "What is the one social platform that a company should be on when they start out?" Now that's a great question. Of course it depends on the type of business and of course the resources that they have to participate in social media.

And that was just one of the great questions that were posed. So all these great questions got me to thinking about the importance of asking a great or should I say a better question?

As brand strategists the ability to ask a better question is crucial to our success. The ability to uncover a key insight is paramount to building a great creative strategy and it usual comes from the ability to ask a great question.

So my challenge for the week is for all of us to ask a better question, dig just a little bit deeper and uncover that nugget of an insight that will help lead to a better creative idea. So let's go for it.

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