Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sharing, Sharing, Sharing

Over the past week I've had some conversations about one of the key reasons why the Web is so important. And it all goes back to coin the old real estate war cry - location, location and location.

The web has been used as a great sharing tool by many, many people. Think of Wikipedia and what that would be if we didn't share things. Yes my post today is about the importance of sharing and how this drives so much of the web traffic today.

When I "Googled" the word sharing the first entry is called the web version of sharing "using or enjoying something with others". That is a great definition. Think about some of the popular social media platforms like "Facebook" and "Twitter" and the foundation of their success is clearly based on sharing. We like to share professional and personal stories etc. on these platforms.

The world has been developed on the basis of sharing. When Gutenberg first produced the Bible this become a way to share the word with more people. As Andrew Carnegie built libraries all over this country in the early 1900's he too was sharing with everyone.

And think of what has been shared over the last 20 years on the Web. It's mind boggling to think of the amount of knowledge and information that is out there for each and every one of us to consume and to broaden our knowledge base.

Sharing is why I love the Web. I love to see what other people in the advertising business are talking about. Just today I read a presentation by Aki Spicer of Fallon on "apps". What a great discussion piece on what an app is and if you should pursue it. Five years ago the only way that I would have ever seen this presentation if someone from Fallon would have forwarded it or sent me a copy. But today because of Slide Share it is readily accessible for one and all to see.

So I say hurrah for sharing! Let's all be transparent and share info with everyone. We can all make this world a better place with more sharing.

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