Stone Arch Bridge

Stone Arch Bridge
Mill City

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How do you read the newspaper?

The headline from an article today from the Center for Media Research caught my attention. It read "123 million Americans reading newspapers on the web".

According to a new comScore release more than 123 million Americans visited newspaper sites in May, representing 57% of the total U.S. Internet audience. These are some seriously big numbers.

So newspapers aren't dead yet - it's just that consumers are reading the papers on a different platform - online. Tell the New York Times with 32 million visitors a month that their newspaper is dead. So while circulation is down significantly for newspapers - Americans are consuming as much news as they ever have.

Online newspapers are the future for the newspaper industry. Their ability to capture revenues through online advertising will allow them to continue and potentially even thrive again as they re-tool their business model.

How do you consume the newspaper - if you do? For me I still love to get the paper in the morning and browse through the headlines. I might check online during the day at their website or though the daily email they send me on the story headlines of the day. And at night I go through it thoroughly to dig a little deeper into the key stories of the day.

I just love the feel of the newspaper and will always enjoy that early morning time. No matter where I'm at - I need to get my daily newspaper fix. I'm sure over time as the newspaper evolves I may be reading it more and more online. But until then count me in as an old fashioned newspaper reader.

How about you - how do you read the newspaper?

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